good ground great beyond
We are motivated and here to help folks engage the reality of death in practical, grounded, and accessible ways, bringing awareness and preparedness for death into focus not just for those grappling with the very end of life, but for people at all stages of life. The reality of our being mortal deserves our engaged attention and deepening understanding. It is an intrinsic element of this human journey.
Good Ground Great Beyond is a vision. We are working to make open air cremation a legal disposition in Maine. Our aim is to establish a contemplative sanctuary and build a legal open-air cremation pyre on 63 acres in the Midcoast area. Open-air cremation allows us to engage the transformation of our deceased more ceremonially and presently.
This website offers information and resources related to the contemplative as well as the practical aspects of death and dying. It also offers opportunity to become more aware of different disposition options available in the US. We wish to support the continued empowerment of communities, families and friends in understanding the profundity of bringing our whole self and heart into relating with our own and others’ deaths.
“My interest in creating space for open air cremation is to make an offering to the communities in which I work and live. Everyone should have access to exactly the kind of dying and death that resonates rightly with how they have lived, that rings with true meaning. I aspire that Good Ground Great Beyond prompts people into ever deeper reckoning, deeper wonder and love through celebrating and honoring the feeling and facing of all endings and further formations.” - Angela Lutzenberger, GGGB Founder